My Story

My Story
In 2019, I was exhausted, stressed out, had medical conditions and was over weight. I wasn't the person I used to be nor aspired to be. I started getting Reiki once a month and practicing yoga, then went to an essential oil class. They changed my life. I continued my journey with becoming a Reiki master, Ordained Minister, Essential Oil Specialist, Aroma Therapy Specialist, Life Coach and Counselor. I started a daily meditation and gratitude practice. I was happier than I've been in my entire life.
I had been a teacher for over twenty-five years. I always felt that teaching was a calling but I now had a new calling. I retired from teaching and followed my new dream of become a Holistic Healer. I aspire to help others over become their obstacles in their lives through counseling, Reiki, Essential Oils, Aroma Therapy, Crystals, Meditation, and Yoga.
The company is named O'Bliss after by children's initials' and because I'm Irish. And of course because, we all deserve BLISS!